Hi everyone, I am so excited to team up with you to offer something incredible that is going to be so much fun!
The Spring Crafts Summit is a 3-day event that will give crafters a chance to try new designs and makes for the spring season (which includes spring fun, things to wear, things to carry, and gifts!). Our audience loves anything paper crafting, especially 3D projects.
Our #1 goal is to make this easy for you while giving you plenty of opportunities to attract new makers to your own audience.
On this page you will find all kinds of resources to make your life as a speaker easy as possible and answer any questions you may have. If you find something I have not already address please reach out to me at admin@bettesmakes.com.
As a speaker, you will also get a free All-Access pass to the Spring Crafts Summit, 50% affiliate commission, and leaderboard prizes as well as a post summit thank you!
Let’s do a quick rundown of how the whole thing will work.
The event will run from Thursday, March 21st to Saturday, March 23rd with 8 pre-recorded presentations running each day. These presentations will include approximately 20 to 30 minutes of content (with up to a 2-minute pitch) and a 15 minute Live podcast interview for the attendees. (This is optional)
While the presentations themselves are pre-recorded, all speakers are encouraged to attend their presentation day live so they know when to pop into Facebook to answer any questions attendees may have about their project.
Along with the presentations, there will be a Facebook group for attendees to hang out in, hold each other accountable, and ask all of us additional questions. The group is where you will be able to answer questions from your presentation.
For our summits we do podcast interviews and include them as part of the summit presentation. These interviews are hosted on YouTube and made accessible to you long after the summit is over. We will provide you with a link to Calendly to schedule in your time. This interview will be all about the speaker and their expertise.
Leading up to the summit, we’ll have two weeks of promotion. You’ll be provided with email templates, social media graphics to make it all easy! As a speaker, we ask that you promote however you're able. Speakers who have promoted other summits have made thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions (my record is $5k as a speaker). We do ask that speakers do make an effort to promote the summit.
During the promotion phase, as the summit is running, and for a few days after the summit is complete, we’ll also be promoting the All-Access Pass. The All-Access Pass includes ongoing access to presentations as well as some bonuses we'll all team up to throw in. This will provide immense value to our attendees while making the work of promoting and creating a presentation worthwhile by allowing you to bring in affiliate commissions right away.
This all sounds great but you may be wondering how much work this will be? My goal is to make this as easy as humanly possible so we can have fun and provide great value to all our attendees.
Before we gather speaker information, each speaker will be sent a contract to sign electronically. Once the contract is received, all the other details will be sent.
The second thing I’ll need is some information from you so I can finish up our registration page and speakers page.
Once you give me the thumbs up that you’re in, we will send you a link to an AirTable form to fill out. If possible, you may provide an optional prize to give away to one engaged attendee. The prize is totally optional but must be different from a All-Access Pass contribution if you choose to include it. This will give us extra opportunities to shout you out to attendees!
Next up is your presentation! This will be approximately 20 minute pre-recorded presentation (don't worry if you go over the time limit but try and keep it to a maximum of 40 minutes) that is meant to be a friendly and easy to make project that can be used with a Cricut cutting machine.
Please structure your content in a way that allows attendees to walk away feeling like they've really learned something, rather than a webinar format where they feel like they're missing something that they need to buy from you asap.
Your presentation should include great, actionable content. Here’s the suggested format:
A super quick introduction
An overview of your make
Teaching section
Specific action steps (with the goal of simplifying their existing process - e.g. pressing pause, etc.)
Up to a 2-minute pitch
While you are welcome to pitch absolutely anything you'd like, I recommend a freebie that is highly related to your make and helps the audience continue to move forward with what they'll learn from your design. This will increase the likelihood that they'll opt-in to your email list. From there, you can have a tripwire and funnel set up to start making sales from your new leads right away! Attendees absolutely love the freebies!
Remember this is your chance to show the audience what you do, what you have to offer. Use this as a marketing opportunity.
Presentations are due by Monday, February 15th.
Find a handy download with all this info in our Speakers Checklist and Guidelines.
The All-Access Pass will be a huge addition to the presentations we’re running and a great way for you to collect additional leads by providing a bonus. This includes things like:
Courses (big or small)
1-3 month memberships
It’s totally up to you to decide whether you’d like to create something new or provide something you already have.
While this isn’t required, it’s encouraged that you participate.
Information for these resources is due along with your presentation. You'll receive an email closer to that time to make passing the information to me nice and simple.
The power of an online summit comes from a group of experts coming together for a single cause. The joint promotion that happens because of that is a huge benefit to everyone involved.
Because of that, we'll have an official promotion period starting on Monday, March 11th.
Sharing is highly encouraged, but since everyone's audience is different there are no set requirements. I have seen other summits with a nearly 20% conversion rate from sign-ups to sales, it's definitely worth promoting!
You’ll find email templates and graphics in the Google Drive once the summit is a bit closer.
When you do share, be sure to use your affiliate link so you can get in on the 50% commission that will come from any sales. We use ThriveCart for all our affiliate links.
And last comes participation during the week of the event. Since we’ll already have done the work of creating the presentations and extra resources, we’ll be able to sit back and relax for the most part!
All I ask is that you participate in the Facebook group on the day of your session and interact in the Facebook group throughout the week to help attendees stay excited and engaged.
While summits are great for overall visibility and making new connections, a little extra income never hurts either, right?
That’s exactly why I’ve set up an affiliate program for the All-Access Pass where you’ll receive a commission from all sales from traffic you refer to the event. Payouts will be made by April 15th. If you are not already an affiliate, we will send you a link to apply.
The commission structure is as follows:
50% for all speakers
40% for affiliates who are not speakers
The pricing structure will be:
All-Access Pass
$49 for 20 minutes after initial opt-in (Fast Action)
$69 from March 11th to March 20th (Early Bird)
$99 from March 20th onward (Regular)
To make it as easy as possible for you to generate extra income, we will have a Google Drive folder set up, includes email templates and social share graphics.
However, you’re more than welcome to write your own copy and even run your own Facebook ads. Other summits have had the All-Access Pass convert between 16-19% so ads are a great way to get some extra traffic using your link!
Just remember to use your affiliate link.
As with all affiliate promotions, be sure to disclose that you’re an affiliate when sharing with your audience.
Now for those resources I promised to make your life as easy as possible.
In this folder you’ll find the following resources:
Summit branding information (in case it's helpful or you'd like to show off that you've been featured on your website)
Speaker checklist and guidelines with due dates so you can keep track of everything nice and easily
Social media graphics
Slide templates (you’re free to use your own branded slides)
View the resources here.
For the sake of clarity, here are your current action steps:
Let me know you’re in.
Provide your basic information using our AirTable Form
Let me know if you have any questions up to this point!
Here’s a roundup of our key dates:
Basic information: Jan 15th
Presentation: Feb 15th
All-Access Pass contribution information: Feb 15th
Promotion period: March 11th to March 23rd
Summit dates: March 21st to the 23rd
All-Access Pass cart closes: March 23rd
Affiliate payouts: by April 15th
Something I missed? Email me at bette@bettesmakes.com