Have you often wondered which Cricut cutting machine was ideal for your own projects?
The Best Cricut Cutting Machine is the one that works for you
Have you fallen love with the idea of having a Cricut? Are you ready to start making a smart choice when it comes to choosing the machine that will be the best for you and your crafting needs.
I know when I first got mine I knew nothing about Cricut but just that it would cut and score. That alone was going to save me a ton of time! I saved up enough to buy my first Air 2 and was elated with the fact I actually owned one. I really didn't know much about how it worked or how much it might cost me in extra supplies and tools. I really didn't care because I wanted this machine so badly.
I am sure you can relate to my story but in this article I am going to try and save you a little time and money by telling you what your really need versus what you think you want.
Here is the scoop on Cricut cutting machines. This post does contain some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission but it won’t cost you a penny more)! Read my full disclosure policy.
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The Cricut Joy is new to the family of Cricut cutting machines and it is much smaller than the two larger ones (Explore Air 2 and Maker). This little machine is the perfect one if you plan on making long narrow banners or anything that is longer than the standard long mat. I find that this dynamo of a machine really does fit the bill for a limited number of makes.
Just imagine cutting a 20 foot banner without having to load a mat. you can make stickers that are just the right size. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination.
If you are into card making, this machine if perfect for you but if you want to go wider and longer at the same time, then perhaps one of the other two machines will be better suited for your crafts.
This small wonder is perfect for replacing your label maker!
For a machine that does a lot for a little, the Cricut Joy is the perfect machine for you.
Here is the sweet spot for most crafters. The Explore Air 2 was my first machine and I am totally surprised it hasn't worn out in the past 3 years! I use it almost daily and it just keeps working for me.
With all the things you can make, this machine, to me, is the most versatile. You may be thinking that it does not do everything you may want. Although this could be true, when I look at all my projects, I very rarely use the extra tools unless I am demonstrating how to use them or just wanting to do a little extra.
The Explore Air 2 is the workhorse that make cutting, drawing and scoring a breeze!
DID i MENTION THE COLORS? Mine is peach but I would love to have the lavender one - I just love the array of colors you can choose from.
I also use some work arounds for when i want to cut special materials or if I want to deepen a score line. These work perfectly and there is no doubt this machine gets the biggest workout in my little craft room.
The price point on the Explore Air 2 is also reasonable. It can do everything a Cricut Joy can do (except the very long banners) and more. I love designing and making cards and this machine is perfect for me.
I have every blade and tool imaginable for the Air 2 and have never had an issue with it at all. I do use the recommended settings and materials to make sure it works each and every time.
Now here is a cutting machine to die for! It does almost everything (still does not match the long banners of the Cricut Joy).
I got my Maker for a birthday 2 years ago and have been buying special tools so I can experiment with different materials! I have etched aluminum, cut wood, etched acrylic, made stained glass templates, made leather earrings, and the list goes on. I am in love with my Maker.
Ok, I must admit that I often have both my Explore Air 2 and Maker working at the same time when it comes to making cards but I only use my Maker when it comes to cutting fabric or leather.
If you are into quilt making, the Maker is the ideal machine for you. Cutting round edges, double-scoring, and simply drawing pattern lines on the fabric put this machine on top of the pedestal. Anything that cuts a big variety of materials is certainly top notch.
The investment for a Maker is a bit higher but when you buy the machine bundles, you can save a ton!
Be aware that there are usually no discounts when it comes to machines for sale at Cricut. You won't find discounts at Michaels or Joanns either. The prices are pretty consistent everywhere.
I hate to admit that this machine is my favorite and I am sure I am going to wear it out sooner of later but for now, if you really want versatility - the Maker is the machine for you.
Be prepared to spend a lot extra on the special blades that do not come with the machine - but, oh the creativity that comes with it is incredible.
Last Word
Although the choice is entirely yours, do remember to fit your budget at the same time. I had to save up to get my first machine and now there is no looking back.
Be prepared to spend as this machine and the things you can make will explode! The more you use any of these machines, the more you will want to make.
And who says you can't have more than one?
Until next time,
Happy Crafting!

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