Our Story

I am Bette, and an avid crafter! I am a former University Professor (business subjects) who has a love for do-it-yourself projects! My daughter, Carina, and I have been teaching other crafters how to use their Cricut cutting machine, paper crafting techniques including different mediums to use, and vinyl projects. We host 3 major Summits and four 2-day workshops each year and introduce new products that will enhance the crafting experience.

Our Summits teach new skills and introduce new products, supplies, and techniques so that the attendee will have a memorable crafting experience. Our sponsors should tie in with our unique audience so that it enhances the overall experience for each person attending.

Our goal is to widen the crafting experience for our audience!

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Our Newsletters

BettesMakes Weekly
Tuesday Tips
What's Happening Next Week

Our Planned Events

January  - Valentine's Day Workshop (2-day event) - 5k attendees
March  - Spring Crafts Summit (3-day event) - 12K attendees
April  - Mother's Day Workshop (2-day event) - 5K attendees
June  - Crafters Stack (5-day sales event) - NEW
July  - Summer Crafts Summit (3-day event) - 8K Attendees
October  - Holiday Crafts Summit  (3-day event)- 17K attendees
December - Cricut Christmas Workshop (2-day event) - 8k attendees

Our Audience

Our audience comes from the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

99% Female.
64% over 50
80% have children or grandchildren
100% spend on crafting supplies and classes
40% are retired or close to retirement

Let's Get Social

Our Social Media Network and email list is growing. Our current information is:

YouTube - 10.2 K
Facebook Group: 14.8K
Email List: 38K. (41.65% Average Open Rate)
Pinterest Views: 540K
Twitter: 16K

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