I am always searching for free patterns to get me started with any new craft I am going to make. Needlepoint is no different. If you are like me, start free and work up to the more complex patterns where I have to buy the pattern. I had always thought that the very easy patterns should come with a starter kit (there are likely plenty of these for sale). For today, we are going to explore needlepoint from the point of a starter of view. This means this make is great from DIY Kids Crafts as well as DIY Crafts. So let’s get started.
Needlepoint Example
What is the Difference Between Needlepoint and Embroidery?
Needlework can be many things and many names. You may hear needlework, needlepoint, embroidery If you think about embroidery, cross-stitch, and perhaps even more names. No matter what it is called, these methods are all ways of creative expression! It is a craft where the needle passes from the front to the back of a pattern. In other words, it is a way of decorating material with a needle and thread. The design you make is from both sides in a manner of speaking. Needlepoint, on the other hand, is done on the front of the material. It is often called a surface embroidery technique. Patterns here are made using the squares of the fabric.
Now, this is not likely to make sense right away unless you see the difference. Take a look at these two images – the first one is embroidery and the second one is needlepoint.
Where to Get A Simple Pattern to Make
Easy to make patterns can be found in multiple places. The first place I often look is Pinterest(my go-to place for ideas). The link will take you to my BettesMakes page – if you follow me, you will get lots of ideas on different crafts including needlepoint.
DMC– one of the best-known names in the industry, they are sold almost everywhere! I use this floss for my projects all the time. You can buy these one at a time.
Loops & Threads– generally these are sold in packages of many colors.
Anchor Pearl – another big brand in the marketplace.
Other – sometimes you can buy lesser quality floss at the local dollar store. This is a good place to start if you are not worried about how long the floss will last, the dye being run proof, and the quality)
Resources at your Fingertips
Reading on the subject always helps with the understanding of how to do the stitches correctly. I find that the process is fairly simple, however, the choice of colors to use when and where is the confusion point. As usual, I am pointing you to some books on Amazon as a guide.
101 Needlepoint Stitches – who knew there were so many – and this is just a start. Don’t feel overwhelmed with the number, all the simple stitches are in this book as well.
A-Z of Needlepoint – another good book that gives you a good start for the craft and also enough information that you can take your skill to the next level.
Dr. Bette Daoust is a Copious Crafter with many crafts and techniques completed with very many more to go.
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